Spearheaded by community humanitarians Mr.Terry Elliott Sr. and his wife Sherria Elliott, the Wakanda Center is a hub for information on select services available that connects people and businesses. The center assists in providing knowledge and tools to help the continued growth of persons and neighborhoods. Located at 6100 N.W. 2nd Ave in Miami, Florida, the Wakanda center offices is the home of communal pods, each offering different services while being self-contained units such as; Help One Foundation (mentor-ship program) T53 Production Services (offering and teaching full film, video, and photography production services), Village Life Inc (Saturday school, art program, African history, sisterhood/brotherhood programs)
The Ark of The City Foundation/Wakanda center's objective is to foster inclusive community participation. We aim to accomplish these goals by providing supervised program opportunities for the enrichment of our children and teens; activities and services for senior citizens; and affordable recreational, social and educational activities to community residents of all ages, regardless of ethnicity, gender or economic status. We promote and provide quality activities and services that will contribute to the physical, emotional and social well-being for personal and collective growth in our community.
"Wakanda represents the possibility of a future; Wakanda offers not a “promised land” as much as a place where we can work and rebuild a sense of community and productivity "
- Terry Elliott Sr.
Non- Profit Incubators
Ark of the CIty is dedicated also to helping other Non-Profits that offer opportunities to the community. These Non-Profits operate inside the Wakanda Center providing various service's free of charge.